Interior detailed view of the Old Retorts' Building. The steam engine.
Black and white digital copy. George Machairas Αrchive.
Overview of Gas Holder 2 (TDA Innovathens). One can see the Gas Holder 3 in the background. It was built in 1904.
Colored digital copy. George Machairas Αrchive.
This printing press was property of the Greek newspaper “Empros”.
It dates back to 1860-1870.
Black and white digital copy. George Machairas Αrchive.
Overview of Gas Holder 2 (TDA Innovathens). The
photograph was taken while the building was inactive.
Black and white digital copy. George Machairas Αrchive.
Overview of plant's central courtyard.
Black and white digital copy. George Machairas Αrchive.
Overview of plant's central courtyard. One can see the piles of coke.
Black and white digital copy. George Machairas Αrchive.
Overview of plant's central courtyard. One can see the New and the Old Retorts’ buildings.
Black and white digital copy. George Machairas Αrchive.
Interior detailed view of the Old Watergas. Wagon filled with coke.
Black and white digital copy from George Machairas’ archive.
Steam Boilers Babcock & Wilcox.
Black and white digital copy from George Machaira's archive.